At NES Sunbeam School, we encourage the children to think, to create and to excel. Studies show that 90 percent of a child’s brain is developed by the age of 7-8. Hence, it is of paramount importance to focus on a child’s early phase by providing their tender minds a fun-filled learning environment. Our Founder-Principal, Dr. R. Varadarajan holds this school very dear in his heart and ensures that his god-sent students receive the finest of schooling and nurturing, besides best opportunities in every field of school-life and for the best growth of their potential.


Children learn best through their own experience. No knowledge of the world appears to be their own until they absorb it and re-express it in their own way. A teacher’s role is simply to boost a child’s inborn desire to know, and help the child undergo as many experiences as possible. And in the process your involvement and support as parent is equally crucial, for the parent is the child’s first teacher and our school values this partnership with you.


We wish you and your child a very rewarding experience at NES Sunbeam School, and look forward to having lots of fun-filled learning experiences with your kids this year.


With all my love and blessings to all the lovely children,

– Mrs. Primrose M.